In Memory Of

This page is in honor of our friends who are no longer with us.

As we assemble ourselves it is only appropriate to take a moment to acknowledge that our gathering would not be entirely complete without providing a tribute to the Thomas Jefferson Class of 1984 classmates who have passed away. We carry their memory in our hearts and we pledge that they will never be forgotten.

If you know of anyone that we have missed, please let us know.


Belinda Jimenez (March 1, 2009)

LT Col. Jimmy Rene Rivera (January 20, 2007)
Yolanda "Yogi" Gutierrez Vargas   (November 16, 2004)

Roland Acosta
Mark Garcia
Debra Gonzales
John Gonzales
Rudolfo Hernandez
Elizabeth Hinojosa
Gilbert Medina
Daniel Rodriguez
James Van Horn
Jesse Zertuche